Saturday, 8 March 2008

Is the Day I Show My Sheep

This wise looking old lady is Mushroom. She is one of my eight Shetland Sheep and she is the elder stateswoman of the flock.

She is canny and hard to outwit.

Which is going to making lambing tricky, if she is indeed in lamb.

I will, gradually, add pictures of all the others and, hopefully, of their lambs when and if they have them.

Whether they are 'in lamb' or not is a long running saga!!


Little Pods Clothing said...

What a great photo! I have some friends who have a farm not too far from my place (about 2 hours away) and I love to take my Sam (21 months) over there to see all the animals.

Anonymous said...

Oh I envy you and your sheep. I can't have sheep because we raise draft horses and only have one animal barn.

Love your bracelets. I'm going to need one of those real soon! I found one that matches a dress I am wearing to a dinner in May.

VickiCockcroft said...

Hello. I love it when people actually take the time and trouble to leave a comment. Thank you both.

Otherwise you don't know whether people like the pictures and ramblings!

Helen. I envy you your draft horses!! But I haven't got room for one! It's my dream, though, to have a small horse again when I retire and before I'm too old to get on it!

And thank you for loving the bracelets!