Tuesday, 8 April 2008

I Shall Reveal My First Attempt at Felting

So, I have sheep. I have wool. And I have a daughter who is doing Textiles A level.

And she wants me to try out felting.

And I have a lovely American friend who creates the most wonderful things with felted wool.

How could I not give it a whirl?

Here it is.

My very first (and possibly last) attempt at felting.

I find the process somewhat trying. Don't like the wet hands bit. But I was quite pleased with the outcome.

Someone is definitely getting this for Christmas.

And they'd better be grateful!!!

It's a brooch, just in case you feel like commenting and don't know what you're commenting on!!!


Wenchie said...

I could see that broach on a vintage wool coat or shawl.

VickiCockcroft said...

Yes. It's a winter brooch, I think.

(And I am a little bit proud of it.)

Liz Smith said...

It's gorgeous! You are very sweet :)